Summer’s End | Midland Michigan Photographer

You can feel it in the air. Not by the temperature. It’s just a feeling. But summer is coming to an end. Maybe it’s because my oldest is preparing to go back to school (this time as a 1st grader), but I feel more nostalgia for this summer’s end than summers past.

We’ve had such a lovely summer vacation as a family, and I can honestly say that we’ve milked everything out of it that we could. We went to the splash parks, had lazy days in the back yard sand pit, and stayed up later than normal enjoying the beautiful light at the end of each day. We ate lots of ice cream, went on vacation, and read so many books. And we shared our time together as a family. Oh, and have I mentioned yet how often we’ve visited Dow Gardens? Countless times.

When my kids grow up, I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to say that I wish I had spent more time with them. Because I give my time to them. They are what take up most of my time. And in the end, that’s what will matter the most. Thank you, summer 2017. You’ve been good to us.


Girl with wet hair at a splash park. Midland, Michigan photographerGirl digging in the sand. Midland, Michigan photographerGirl in yellow dress outside with pretty back light. Midland, Michigan photographerMan mowing lawn in summer time. Midland, Michigan photographer

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Eve Tuft is a Senior Portrait Photographer based in Midland, Michigan and surrounding areas. 

Questions? Send me an email, or go ahead and book your session!