Do I Need to Bring a Prop to My Senior Session? The Pros

“Do I need to bring a prop to my senior session?” You may have been wondering about this for your own session. And it’s a valid question since many seniors love to bring things to their photo shoots that represent their hobbies and interests. In this post, we’ll take a look at the pros to bringing props with you for your session.

A Senior girl holds onto sheet music beneath her eyes as her prop for her session | Senior Photographers in Midland, MI

Prop Pros #1

One pro of bringing props to your senior session is that it gives your hands something to do. When a person has something for their hands to do or hold, it helps them feel more comfortable and less tense. This helps them look at ease in their pictures. They’re bound to love them more if they look comfortable.

A girl holds her pair of running shoes in her hands as her props as she looks over her shoulder | Michigan Senior Photographer


Another pro is that the senior will get professional quality pictures with things that mattered to them. A beloved instrument, a pair of running shoes, a soccer ball. Time stops still, and the focus is on the senior’s passions and interests. I love how Nicole brought her running shoes to her session. Just throwing them over her shoulder like this tells the viewer she’s into running. And how fun will it be in 20 years from now when these shoes look dated??

A senior guy plays his harp out in a golden field in Midland, Michigan | Photographer


And I can’t pass up posting one of my favorites ever with a senior and his prop. We went to Dow Gardens for the first half of his session. We ended up at the Chippewa Nature Center where he wanted pictures with his harp. As soon as I had him start playing it, it was like he was somewhere else and had left us behind. A pro here then, is that props can feel like such a part of who you’ve become. It’s like having a dear friend with you in your picture. I played the flute from 6th grade through college. I remember one year in college I dropped it off to be cleaned, and I couldn’t believe how much I missed it! It was awful waiting those two weeks until I had it again.

A teenage guy holds his trombone across his shoulders in front of football stands | Senior Photographers in Midland, Michigan


For the last pro on this blog post, bringing props to your session can help add to the atmosphere depending on the location we’re at. Grant wanted pictures with his trombone at his high school. We took so many here near the football field and on the stands, and I really think having him pose with his trombone helped pull the scene together. Below, Nicole looks so stunning in the fields of flowers. Adding in her viola makes the scene even more picturesque.

A teenage girl holds her viola as a prop in a field of flowers for her photo shoot | Senior Photographer in Midland, MI

While there are many pros to bringing a prop, there are also cons. Next time I blog, I’ll share some of those with you. We’ll be in touch!


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Eve Tuft is a Senior Portrait Photographer based in Midland, Michigan and surrounding areas. 

Questions? Send me an email, or go ahead and book your session!