Category Archives: Senior Gals

On the Fence

OK, so it wasn’t really ON the fence, but right next to it. After this session I need all the fences! I’ll tell you why (well, I’ll SHOW you why) in a minute… Sydnie and I met for the first time at this session. Her friend, Olivia, goes to church with me and offered to…

Posing Olivia

This past month I’ve been taking a class over at Click Photo School. It has been amazing, and the instructor has been so awesome. In our third week we focused on posing, and I knew I wanted to grab a local teen to help out with that. Enter Olivia. Olivia and I know each other…

The Traveling Dress

I was asked late last year by a dear friend of mine if I wanted to be a part of her group for The Traveling Dress Collective. This group is a blog that was started by a group of photographers who wanted to each shoot just one dress in whatever way they wanted to.  The…

Dress Rental Photoshoot

I recently had the opportunity to borrow a dress from an amazing company called Opal and June. They are just getting their business set up, and they let a few photographers shoot their dresses so they would have content to blog about. I was fortunate enough to grab a dress before they were all taken….

Barns, Gardens and Hills, Oh My!

One of the things I love most about doing senior sessions at Dow Gardens is all the variety they have there for photo sessions. There are barns, grassy hills, and beautiful gardens, all of which make for some stunning portraits. I’m surprised I had never used the green barn doors in my pictures before! One…

Eve Tuft is a Senior Portrait Photographer based in Midland, Michigan and surrounding areas. 

Questions? Send me an email, or go ahead and book your session!