Category Archives: Nature

Rainy Day Macro

Man, it’s been so rainy here lately! I haven’t checked, but I’d swear that we’ve had record-breaking amounts of rain these past two weeks. There have been so many days when our percentage for rain has been small, and then we’ll get a downpour for a solid half hour. It’s been crazy. And it’s been…

Freelensed Rose Garden

The rose garden at Dow Gardens is one of my favorite places to take pictures in the whole city of Midland. It’s therapeutic for me to do so. The light there is the best just as the sun is setting, and there is always such an array of roses just waiting for me to capture them….

Midland in Bloom

When everything around you is in bloom, you can’t but feel the anticipation of something beautiful about to happen. That’s what spring does every year for me. It’s like all winter long we’ve been waiting. And waiting. And WAITING. And then FINALLY it’s spring, and it’s like the whole earth feels the need to celebrate…

Springtime: A Long Time Comin’

Ahh, springtime is here again. Is it just me, or does it seem like it took a REALLY, REALLY long time to get here??? I used to live in Iowa for five years, and I thought the winter there was long. Imagine my surprise when I moved to Michigan and found out that we have…

Daisies for the Bathroom

“Daisies are the friendliest flower.” Anyone here a fan of the movie, ‘You’ve Got Mail’? Confession: It was my most favorite movie ever for the longest time. It’s one of those movies I could watch over and over again; one of those movies that make you feel better when you’re feeling down. I think Meg…

Eve Tuft is a Senior Portrait Photographer based in Midland, Michigan and surrounding areas. 

Questions? Send me an email, or go ahead and book your session!