Bucket List Location for 2019

I’m not really a person for having a bucket list. Maybe I’m boring. Or maybe I’m just content with what I have. It could also be that I hate being disappointed, and bucket list items tend to do that to people. If I did have a one though, holding a koala would be at the top of it. 😉

When it comes to photography, there are so things I want. But I like to think of them as goals rather than a bucket list. That seems more realistic and attainable. One of the things on my list for this year is a location. Can you guess where? I’ll tell you. The Whiting Forest. Eep!

Whiting Forest was closed for a couple years here in Midland, and we weren’t able to see it until late October of last year. I feel in love immediately. As a photographer, I’m always scouting for locations to use that are different and unique to the area. While we all adore places like Dow Gardens and the Chippewa Nature Center, it’s fun to go someplace different once in a while too.  I suspect that Whiting Forest will definitely get its share of senior sessions from photographers, and I certainly intend to use it as well. It’s such a great location!

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have some pictures here? You know, without the extra people in the background. 😉

Small girl with hat on a rope pathway at a bucket list location | Michigan senior photographer

And just look at these pathways. I know they’re gorgeous in the fall, but they would be beautiful anytime of the year.

Father holding his daughter outside in the fall on a pathway | Senior Portrait Photographer in Midland, Michigan

Have you booked your senior session with me this year? If so, I’d love to take your pictures at the Whiting Forest here in town. It’s on my bucket list for the year.

The Difference a Reflector Makes

Before last year I had never used a reflector. I didn’t own one, and to be honest, they kind of intimidated me. Well, I finally bit the bullet and got one. And you know what? I hated it at first! Go figure, right? I found it cumbersome, hard to manage, and even harder to hold. I also couldn’t figure out how the heck to bounce light back where I wanted it. I’d bring it to sessions only to get it out once and put it back away. It was awful.

However, then I took a class online all about seniors. It was awesome, and I feel like it really took my game to the next level. We focused on reflectors for a week, and I took it out of its case to experiment with it. The result? I will never leave it in its case again. It’s a total game changer.

Here’s a picture WITHOUT a reflector. I didn’t have anyone there to hold it for me. I love this picture (and Abby and Emily!), and I don’t see much wrong with it as is.

Two teenage girls hugging each other outside | Senior Photographer in Michigan

With a Reflector

Not bad, right? Now, let’s put Abby in by herself and use Emily as an awesome reflector holder and see what happens:

A senior girl posing for her session with light from a reflector bouncing back on her face | Saginaw, Michigan Portrait Photographer

Ta-da! Can you see the difference? There is now added light on her face and in her eyes. There are no more shadows on her face. It is evenly lit. I love the difference using a reflector makes.

Here’s a close-up version of Olivia. You can see the sun is hitting her from behind. She is facing away from the light source, so the opposite side of her face should be darker. But, with a reflector it is nicely lit! Isn’t she beautiful?

A teenage girl posing with her head slightly bent and her eyes down while a reflector adds in fill light to her face | Senior session in Michigan

My last picture is of Anna. She was facing a part of Dow Gardens that was almost completely dark just behind me. But with the reflector, I was able to shine that light back on her face and get that lovely rim lighting on her hair at the same time.

Dark skinned girl with rim light around her hair. Saginaw, Michigan Photographer

I’m so glad I have a reflector and that I’ve discovered what it can do for my pictures. And I’m super excited to take it out for some more spins just next month with my first seniors of the season. Welcome, spring! Thinking of booking with me for your senior (or your own session)? Contact me to get things started!

Benefits of a Sunny Day Senior Photo Shoot

Last week I wrote about how much I love senior sessions on cloudy days. I really do! But there are just as many benefits to shooting on days with full sun. I LOVE the sun. I love using the light to my advantage. Here are some reasons to do a little happy dance if your session is on a sunny day.

#1 Backlight

Ah, backlight. We photographers swoon over it. Backlight is when, well, your light source is in the back of your subject. I think I can honestly say that it is my favorite type of light to shoot in. Side light comes in a close second though. 😉 When the sun is nice and low in the sky, the light is diffused, and my seniors just glow. It looks quite magical and adds a little something extra to my photos.

Senior girl in a field on a sunny day with her hand on her hip | High School Senior Photographer in Midland, Michigan

#2 More light to bounce back in my subject’s eyes

Do you love catch lights as much as I do? On a sunny day, that sunlight will bounce off my reflector and make your eyes pop! Though you can get the same effect with a cloudy day, there isn’t as much light reflecting into your eyes. I love me some big catch lights.

Close up portrait of a teenage girl on a sunny day in Midland, Michigan by Eve Tuft Photography, Senior Portrait Photographer

#3 Silhouettes

If the sky is not completely cloudy, it can make for some amazing silhouettes at the end of your senior photo shoot. Though this is more of an indirect advantage, you couldn’t achieve this look if it were overcast outside.

Silhouette of a senior boy playing the trombone with a sky full of clouds | Michigan Senior Photographer

#4 Not Flat

OK, this sounds a little weird, but bear with me. Overcast days are great for your skin. The cloud cover acts like a big softbox and is beautiful. Sunny days though can really make an image pop and give it life. It can make you look more 3D in a 2D image. The rim light highlights and contours, giving more shape to you and to your surroundings.

Senior girl crouching down on a sunny day | Midland Photographer in Michigan

I can’t control the weather, but I can work with it to your advantage. Whether we get rain or shine for your senior session, we’re bound to come away with pictures you love.

Benefits of a Cloudy Day Senior Photo Shoot

If you’ve already booked your senior portrait session with me, chances are you’re hoping the weather cooperates! Many of my clients in the past have told me they prefer sunshine on the day of their senior shoot. I wish I could control the weather and give them just what they want! However, cloudy days can be just as beautiful. Here are some benefits of a cloudy day.

#1 Beautiful Skin Tones

Ask any photographer – overcast days make skin tones gorgeous! The clouds are like a giant soft-box and make your skin tones look truest to their real coloring. No matter how fair or dark you are, cloudy days give you a beautiful, soft glow on your skin.

Senior girl in a prom dress surrounded by flowers and the benefits of a cloudy day | Senior Photographer in Saginaw, Michigan

#2 Even and Flattering Light

More benefits of a cloudy day include even and flattering light. Again, it’s like a giant soft-box. When there’s no sunshine in a frame, your whole face is evenly-lit. Even light is the most flattering on ANYONE. It hides wrinkles (not like you have any), and covers up acne more than side light and harsh light.

Senior boy who knows what to wear in a blue, button-up shirt | Midland Photographer

#3 Variety in Locations and Angles

Because I’m not working with the sun, I can place you just about anywhere! The light is even, and I don’t have to worry about how it is or isn’t falling on your face. You’re more likely to get better use of every location we go to when I don’t have to take sunshine into consideration.

A high school girl in a green dress standing on the sidewalk in a downtown area in Michigan | Midland High School Photographer

#4 Not as Time-Dependent

Since we’re not working with the sunshine, we don’t have to be as particular about taking pictures the last hour or two of the day. Although I love that golden hour, we could shoot much earlier in the day if we needed to.

High School girl standing in a field of wildflowers with a barn in the background at the Chippewa Nature Center in MidMIchigan | Senior Photographer

I love overcast days. As you can see, there are so many benefits of a cloudy day. I promise that you’re going to love your senior session whether you get all the sun or all the clouds. Now, let’s just hope it doesn’t rain. 😉

What to Bring to Your Senior Photography Session

Now that you’ve booked a senior session with me, you may be wondering what to bring to your senior photography session. Am I right? Have no fear! Not only will I be sending you out a client welcome guide, I will also talk here about what you should bring. I want you to be prepared and to feel prepared as well.

First and foremost, don’t forget your outfit changes! Depending on which package you booked, you’ll need between two and six outfits. But here’s the tricky part. For each outfit, please remember to also bring a set of shoes and accessories. Don’t forget that perfect necklace! Or that bracelet or earrings or those sandals. I would hate for you to show up with only one pair of shoes that don’t match all your outfits. No fun.

Senior girl lying in the grass on a hill | Dow Gardens pictures

Next up! Most people have paid for their session in full by the time their senior session takes place. I make payments easy and quick so that you don’t need to worry about it. However, if you have waited to pay the rest of your session off AT your session, be sure to either bring a card or your checkbook.

Close up of a gorgeous senior girl next to a green barn door. Bay City Photographer

Another thing you’ll want to bring to your session is anything you want in the photograph. A beloved pet, a musical instrument, something that represents what you’re good at, etc. Bring it all! I love it when my seniors bring things they’re involved in. I would hate for you to leave those cherished things at home.

Senior Portrait Photographer - Midland, Michigan - Eve Tuft Photography

Last, but not least, bring YOself. Like, show up and be ready to have an awesome time. I will pose you, help you feel comfortable, and will definitely NOT make things awkward. It’s your time to shine! So show up prepared to have a blast, and don’t worry about a thing.

What to Bring to your senior session | Senior boy crouching down and looking away from the camera while smiling | Michigan Photographer

Pretty simple, right? I love simplicity. I’ll see you at your senior session!

Eve Tuft is a Senior Portrait Photographer based in Midland, Michigan and surrounding areas. 

Questions? Send me an email, or go ahead and book your session!