Benefits of a Sunny Day Senior Photo Shoot

Last week I wrote about how much I love senior sessions on cloudy days. I really do! But there are just as many benefits to shooting on days with full sun. I LOVE the sun. I love using the light to my advantage. Here are some reasons to do a little happy dance if your session is on a sunny day.

#1 Backlight

Ah, backlight. We photographers swoon over it. Backlight is when, well, your light source is in the back of your subject. I think I can honestly say that it is my favorite type of light to shoot in. Side light comes in a close second though. 😉 When the sun is nice and low in the sky, the light is diffused, and my seniors just glow. It looks quite magical and adds a little something extra to my photos.

Senior girl in a field on a sunny day with her hand on her hip | High School Senior Photographer in Midland, Michigan

#2 More light to bounce back in my subject’s eyes

Do you love catch lights as much as I do? On a sunny day, that sunlight will bounce off my reflector and make your eyes pop! Though you can get the same effect with a cloudy day, there isn’t as much light reflecting into your eyes. I love me some big catch lights.

Close up portrait of a teenage girl on a sunny day in Midland, Michigan by Eve Tuft Photography, Senior Portrait Photographer

#3 Silhouettes

If the sky is not completely cloudy, it can make for some amazing silhouettes at the end of your senior photo shoot. Though this is more of an indirect advantage, you couldn’t achieve this look if it were overcast outside.

Silhouette of a senior boy playing the trombone with a sky full of clouds | Michigan Senior Photographer

#4 Not Flat

OK, this sounds a little weird, but bear with me. Overcast days are great for your skin. The cloud cover acts like a big softbox and is beautiful. Sunny days though can really make an image pop and give it life. It can make you look more 3D in a 2D image. The rim light highlights and contours, giving more shape to you and to your surroundings.

Senior girl crouching down on a sunny day | Midland Photographer in Michigan

I can’t control the weather, but I can work with it to your advantage. Whether we get rain or shine for your senior session, we’re bound to come away with pictures you love.

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Eve Tuft is a Senior Portrait Photographer based in Midland, Michigan and surrounding areas. 

Questions? Send me an email, or go ahead and book your session!